Ballast Water Treatment Products
Since ballast water treatment has become an indispensable part of shipping, consumables are also increasingly important. To keep ships running all over the world we offer consumables for electrocatalysis and electrolysis systems.
What We Do
Shop for consumables from electrocatalysis and electrolysis systems
The principles of electrocatalysis and electrolysis are ballast water treatment technologies in which chlorine is used as a cleaning product (electrocatalysis) or as a by-product (electrolysis). A reagent is used to monitor the chlorine. In addition, these systems use sodium thiosulfate to neutralize the chlorine. These essential consumables can be ordered with one click on this webshop!

Total Chlorine reagent Kit
12 month supply based on estimated BWMS operational cycles
BWMS Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate
Sodium Thisulphate powder is used to de-chlorinate ballast waters prior to discharge to the environment.
We Are More Than Just a Shop!
As the official distributor of Headway Oceanguard you can always call on Reikon for the maintenance of these ballast water treatment systems.

Products in Stock
In order to supply our customers with components, including in emergencies, we maintain high stock levels. Long waiting times can be critical for running your business, and at BWMS-SHOP we understand that like no other!

Fast Delivery
It is important that components are made available to you quickly. You cannot afford to wait days, or even weeks, for an essential component. BWMS-SHOP ensures you will not face unnecessary costs or revenue losses. We work fast and accurately!

Reliable Partner
BWMS-SHOP is a reliable partner in the shipping industry. In recent years, BWMS-SHOP has supplied hundreds of ships all over the world with BWMS kits and various other components.